No matter what your sewage requirements, BioMAX has Western Australia’s widest range of robust wastewater recycling systems to cater for up to 13,300 personnel per day. BioMAX systems range from the Model C10 that caters for a small gatehouse through to models larger than C500K which can provide wastewater treatment and recycling solutions for large communities. You can feel confident you can install a BioMAX system anywhere with ease.

Why choose BioMAX?

There are numerous reasons to choose a BioMAX system over other more traditional wastewater disposal methods. The recycled water that is produced is clear and odourless, enabling it to be used on landscaped areas to significantly reduce future water bills.

Unlike septic tanks and associated below ground soakage systems, the BioMAX is not subject to the constraints of gravity in the reuse of the treated water. This allows the water to be directed to different locations. The BioMAX also eliminates the health problems associated with winter flooding of septic tanks.

Over 3,500 BioMAX systems have been installed Australia wide. Our clients list is extensive and includes major mining companies, oil companies and government authorities.

Our standards

We believe there is only one way to build wastewater recycling systems that handle a potentially harmful product like sewage and that is with proven technology.

We use only the highest quality components and the latest advancements in technology.

BioMAX sources the best components from all over the world. We use irrigation dripper lines produced in Israel, our Busch aerators are imported from Germany and our discharge pumps are from Denmark. Each of these countries is a world leader in the fabrication of these components.

Our product is built above and beyond international industry standards

Our systems are always overdesigned and over engineered to ensure a guaranteed
level of performance. This includes excess storage capacity, built in redundancy on larger systems, reserve capacity when it comes to discharge pumps and aerators,
thicker 50mPA concrete for strength and corrosion resistance.

We keep it simple

We believe in letting the biological process and gravity do most of the work.

The adequately sized discharge pump and air blowers are the only moving parts within the BioMAX system.
Our uniquely designed airlift system efficiently takes care of the rest.
By using only one pump (similar systems on the market use two), the potential for pump failure and the need to carry critical spare parts is reduced.
BioMAX will consult with you to ascertain your needs in order to design, build and install according to your specific requirements.


The quality of water converted by our commercial recycled water systems continues to improve as we further develop the technology.

The BioMAX systems are designed to conform with the most stringent standards in Australia (Health Department of Western Australia), as set down in the Specification for Aerobic Treatment Units (ATUs).

The treated effluent quality was to be

5 Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)  : < 20 mg/L
Suspended solids (SS) : < 30 mg/L
Faecal coliform organisms: < 10 per 100 mL.

Under Health Department controlled testing, a BioMAX® system produced an average effluent quality of


5 Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) < 5 mg/L
Suspended solids (SS) < 10 mg/L
Zero faecal coliform organisms per 100 mL. Zero
Residual Free Chlorine > 0.5mg/L
pH 6.5-8.5

Disposal Field Options

The effluent from a BioMAX system is approved for dripper irrigation. To suit areas where direct public access could lead to vandalism of the equipment or in areas subject to winter frost or in sub-alpine conditions the company has developed a range of dripper emitter irrigation systems. Sub-strata dripper systems (under a layer of mulch) are suitable for gardens or landscaped areas. The size of the disposal field will vary depending on soil type and size of the system.

After-sales support and maintenance

The BioMAX treated wastewater exceeds the standards required by the Health Department of Western Australia (the most stringent standards in Australia), however all aerobic treatment systems must, by legislation, be monitored periodically.

The BioMAX team of trained technicians ensure all systems are finely tuned to perform to the highest possible standard.  A written report keeps our clients in touch with the performance of their system. Copies are sent to local government and the Health Department. A copy is also kept on our files giving us an ongoing record of every system’s performance.


The following process description and schematic flow diagram will assist in the understanding of the treatment processes used for the BioMAX Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant is divided into five principal chambers;

  1. Anaerobic chamber - anaerobic treatment
  2. Aerobic chamber - aerobic treatment
  3. Clarification chamber - sludge settlement and removal
  4. Disinfection chamber - contact time with chlorine
  5. Pumpout chamber - discharge to disposal system

1. Anaerobic Chamber

Raw wastewater is initially received into the anaerobic chamber. Approximately 30  50% of the suspended solids settle out in this chamber where they undergo anaerobic digestion. The anaerobic digestion process is carried out by microorganisms which have the ability to feed, grow and multiply in the absence of free oxygen.  In addition, settled sludge and skimmed material returned from the clarification chamber are further digested in this chamber.  The plant is sized to enable these microorganisms to maintain a sufficient population naturally without the need for the addition of proprietary biological products.

2. Aerobic Chamber

The partially treated wastewater, still containing the colloidal and dissolved solids which represent approximately 65% of the pollution loading, flows from the anaerobic chamber to the aerobic chamber.  Air is introduced to the liquid in this chamber by means of an aerator and diffusers, maintaining aerobic (free dissolved oxygen) conditions.  The oxygen enriched effluent flows about packs of submerged media having a large surface area on which bacteria and other microorganisms thrive, forming a biological film.  These microorganisms have a different growth process to those in the anaerobic chamber in that they utilise the dissolved oxygen in the effluent, while consuming the dissolved and colloidal organic matter as food to create new cell growth and stable oxidised products. The air pattern causes the liquid in the chamber to pass through the media in a discreet flow pattern and to have intimate contact with the microorganisms.

The process differs from ordinary suspended growth systems in that it is more stable and also allows the growth of sub-surface anaerobic microorganisms beneath the surface film of aerobic microorganisms. This allows anaerobic bacterial action to check the media growth, thereby reducing the biological sludge accumulation. Nevertheless, as the thickening of material on the media occurs, some sloughing off will take place.

The multiple compartment design of the aerobic chamber ensures that no short-circuiting can occur, preventing the possibility of partially treated wastewater passing to the clarification chamber.  The diffused aeration system allows the air to be introduced below the media packs.

Basically the reaction in the aerobic chamber converts the dissolved and nonsettleable (colloidal) solids into carbon dioxide and a biological floc, which, under quiescent conditions, will settle.

3. Clarification Chamber

Following aeration, effluent flows into a circular hopper bottomed clarification chamber, where the biological floc (or sludge) settles under quiescent conditions.  Settled sludge from the bottom of the chamber and floating material are returned to the anaerobic chamber. From the clarification chamber, the effluent is drawn off below surface level and flows through the chlorinator to the disinfection chamber.

This continuous return of sludge to the anaerobic chamber ensures continuous fluid movement in the plant even with zero inflow and keeps the system "live" during periods of extended vacancy.

4. Disinfection Chamber

The discharge from the clarification chamber passes through an automatic gravity chlorinator.  The chlorinator is calibrated for above normal water usage.  Chlorine stocks are provided to cover maximum usage with built in safety factors to cover all foreseeable circumstances between the service periods.

The disinfection chamber is designed to provide a minimum of 30 minutes contact time between the effluent and chlorine to ensure achievement of bacterial die-off.

5.  Pump-out Chamber

After disinfection, the treated effluent enters the pump-out chamber. The discharge pump is automatically controlled by a level switch to operate and shut down as the level of the effluent rises and falls.

6. Alarms

The BioMAX has two mechanical components; an air blower and a discharge pump.  An alarm is provided to warn of failure of these units. The plant has an in-built emergency storage of approximately two days to ensure that any problem can be rectified before overflow occurs.